Interview with Wayne Roux

Published 2014-11-30.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in East London, South Africa. My mother raised my younger brother and I alone, due to a messy divorce which left the other six children with my father in a different town. We were really poor, often only eating bread and coffee for supper. There was never money for "gadgets" or toys, so i quickly developed a passion for writing, which allowed me to transport myself into other people's exciting lives.
When did you first start writing?
I was around 14 to 15 years old when I started writing seriously. I was a bookworm with a wild imagination, so the move from reader to writer was bound to happen sooner or later.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Oh my God, yes! I was 16 and decided I was mature enough to write a novel by then. I wrote a horror story called "Hybrid" which was handwritten in two A4 Croxley books. It took me forever, and editing was out of the question, of course! But I was happy with it when it was done - I'd probably die of laughter if I had to read it again now 24 years later! Hmmm... book three? :)
What's the story behind your latest book?
My latest book, "December Dead" is a thrilling pre-apocalyptic tale of survival and the bond between a mother and her child. The idea came to me while randomly googling things on the internet, and I thought "This could be an awesome story!". It's based on the documented "zombie ants" found in the jungles of the Amazon, and elsewhere in the world - but with a Wayne Roux twist, of course! :)
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Coming from South Africa, where the publishing market is dominated by Educational or Afrikaans books, it's really difficult for an English author writing thriller/horror/sci-fi type stories to get published. Believe it or not, even 19 years after the end of Apartheid, this country is still fairly conservative. The Indie route was the natural choice for me. I only needed a day of Googling prospective traditional publishers to realize there weren't going to be any for me. I'm happy with my decision, and it has nothing to do with money right now. I'm all about meeting and building my fan base!
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
I was with Amazon first and made the mistake of going the KDP Select route. Three months later, with almost zero sales and a book that was gathering electronic dust, I moved over to Smashwords. This is the BEST site for Indie authors, hands down! I love the look and feel of it, and everything is just so easy to use! I've also got my first three reviews! I'm overjoyed!
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
I have very limited time for writing. I work full time, run a poker league on weekends, have a home recording studio and also do DJ gigs. Regardless, writing is my first love and I jump out of bed at 5am daily to get an hour of writing in before heading off to work. It's not difficult. It's a natural thing, like brushing my teeth! :)
What do your fans mean to you?
My fans are more important to me than anything else! I love interacting with them on social media, especially Twitter. The world has shrunk since the internet was invented, and as authors we are blessed to be able to communicate instantly with our fans. If I think back to my teens, I would have DIED to be able to interact with Stephen King or Dean R. Koontz! Now this is possible for readers via their favorite Indie Authors. (That's me!) :)
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
The first book that really grabbed and shaped my desire for writing was Stephen King's "It". A monster of a book, a massive tale superbly told, and the first time I ever connected with characters in a way that left a lasting impression. King is the master of his art, and I strive to reach that level some day!
What are you working on next?
I've already started writing my third book, "The Trembling". This is a look into the unexplained. A unique view on the age old phenomena of extra-terrestrial beings. It's a tough project, and I'm finding myself way behind schedule! However, I'm hoping to have it released by December 2014!
What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
I've realized that most of the interest in my books has come from the free copies I give away. I've managed to build a stable fan-base, way beyond any of my wildest expectations! Earning money is secondary right now, as I'm still trying to get noticed. Most of my marketing is via Twitter, as I enjoy the personal contact with readers - and yes, I follow back! I have no delusions of grandeur like some of the other authors out there!
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I'm unbelievably busy with a stack of other things - a full time job, a home recording studio, online poker, a teenage daughter. In between all of this I try and squeeze in some writing time whenever I can, and I surprised myself by writing and releasing two novels in 2013, despite all of the above!
How do you approach cover design?
I have an awesome cousin, who is a genius artist, and completely under-valued! He designs all my covers, and is also a big fan of my stories, so that helps! Thanks to Craig Banks Art, I get to spend more time writing, and less time trying to be a graphic designer. Follow him on Twitter of Facebook. @CraigBanksArt
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.