Interview with Victoria Dunfee

Published 2016-09-26.
What inspired Alaadeen to write "Dysfunctional / life journeys of a second generation jazz musician?"
Alaadeen was diagnosed with stage four bladder cancer in May 2010. During this battle he was in a heightened state of spirituality. After experiencing one spiritual journey in which his life passed before him, Alaadeen told us that he wanted to write. We assumed that he had a tune he wanted to compose, but this was not what he meant. He wanted to write his life story and it should be called Dysfunctional. He wanted others to read his memoirs and to learn from his poor choices and mistakes. During his illness, he spent hours talking and recording his experiences in life. He was not taking narcotics, so his conversations were lucid. Although he passed before he could finish, Victoria Alaadeen was able to complete this project for Alaadeen by transcribing his recently taped conversations and 25 years of interviews that I had collected. The text in this book is in Alaadeen's exact words, not altered or censored, and can be substantiated with tapes, videos and CDs. Mrs. Alaadeen merely edited the material and put it in story format. The memoirs have been arranged so that they occur in an historical chronology of Alaadeen's life. And in typical Alaadeen fashion, he leaves the audience wanting more.
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