Interview with Aldrin Mathew

Published 2017-04-25.
How many books have you written? Name them!
I have written 2 Books. The First one is "INVISIBLE DIMENSIONS OF LIFE" which deals with Different Aspects of Life and criticises the Meaninglessness of Human Life. The Second One is "TIME TRAVEL EXPERIENCES" which is a Scientific Research Book that reveals the Reality of Time Travel and solves many paradoxes related to Time Travel. it also contains the Introduction to a New System of Numbers and a Mathematical Result related to "Pi" which shows that it is not exactly an Irrational Number.......
What is your Aim in Life?
I am Working towards the Eradication of Misconceptions in the Minds of the Young Generation of Today's World. Ours is a Cursed World! The Poison is in the Minds of the Young Generation of Today's World.......
What are you working on next?
I am working on my Next book which deals with the Concept of "Faith" and shows why God is not a Myth, but a Truth.......
What are your five favorite books, and why?
"Evans tries an O-Level" - Colin Dexter
I read this Story in my English Textbook, when I was studying in 11th Standard. After that I have read it several times, and was never deprived of Excitation. This Story is probably one of the Best Crime/Detective/Thriller Stories in the world. The Story reflects the Brilliance of the Writer.......

"The Count of Monte Cristo" - Alexandre Dumas
I read an Excerpt of this Story in one of my English Textbooks and after that i searched for this Book everywhere. As soon as I got the book, I read it and I was able to know about another Great Author. I was able to see the Transformation of a Man from Captain to Prisoner to Count. The Story is filled with Surprise and pure Entertainment.......

"The Alchemist" - Paulo Coelho
Oh My God! I have been hearing about this Book for almost half-an-year and searched for this book in all bookstores. At last, I found this Book in a Local Store which sold Used and old Books. I read this Book in just 2 Days! That was really a great thing for me. I was able to see TRUE TRANSFORMATION OF A HUMAN'S LIFE and was able to See Pure Life. Everyone should read this Book!

"Les Miserables" - Victor Hugo
Well, I haven't yet been able to get an Original Paperback Copy of this Book, but I have read a few portions of this Book and still I am impressed. You will be able to see Real Life and will be able to see How Goodness and Greatness survives amidst the Harshness of Poverty.......

"Around the World in 80 Days" - Jules Verne
It is one of the best Thriller Stories. What's surprising is that it is written in Simple Language and still it surprises people. The Book reveals the Journey From one culture to another culture to another... It really shows the True Exploitation of Intelligence and Technology.......
Who are your favorite authors?
Alexandre Dumas, Colin Dexter, Victor Hugo, Baroness Orczy, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Kevin Malarkey, Alex Malarkey, Paulo Coelho
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
The Fact that I have Opened my Eyes! Also, I have a lot of Dreams in my Life that I want to Achieve, and I want to Show to the World that most of the things that it deem Impossible, are not actually Impossible.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I watch Good Films, Play Games, Practice Martial Arts, Promote my Book, Paint Pictures, Sing Songs.......
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
I discover them by Evaluating the Opinions of other people. It's hard to find Good Books, because our World is so crooked and most of the people in this World are moving along the Wrong Direction.......
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes, it was a "Action/Adventure/Superhero/Crime Thriller" and is one of the best works in my Life. But I haven't published that Story yet.......
What is your writing process?
I write whenever I feel to. I might get a sudden thought and will suddenly note it down. I also have a Strange habit - I mark the Timings at which I started and ended writing particular parts of the book. Moreover, I write from my Experiences.......
How do you approach cover design?
Well, I never had Capital to hire a Professional to Design the Cover of my Books. So i myself did the Cover Design for both my Books. I used free tools to complete the process and the wonder is that both covers turned out to be Great.......
What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
Social Media looks like the Perfect Option. An Author should always make use of all available techniques to Promote his Works. Each and every Occasion is his chance to Introduce his Books to more people.......
Well, I can only say, I am not actually a Successful Author.......
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