Interview with Betsy Schooley

Published 2020-06-01.
Who are your favorite authors?
Oh My Goodness! That would be too long of a list if I include novels. I'll just mention two authors I absolutely love and then list my "Brain Books" that influenced me so much and were such terrific reads I could barely set any of them down while reading.
Elizabeth Berg's writing I have always told friends "is like her words run as smoothly over the page as a river runs downhill."
I taught kindergarten and first grade for many years and I could not have had the great successes I had without the books of Joy Crowley. What a wit she has as a writer for those young emergent readers to enjoy!

My absolutely most favorite books in the brain-world:
Dr. Charles Krebs, A Revolutionary Way of Thinking.
Dr. Susan R. Barry, Fixing My Gaze
Dr. Ned Hallowell and Dr. John Ratey, Driven to Distraction
Sharon Begley, Train Your Mind Change Your Brain
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain
Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo, You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?
Dr. Daniel Siegel, The Whole-Brain Child
Carol Stock Kranowitz, The Out-of-Sync Child
Robin Benoit with Jillian Benoit, How Vision Therapy Changed My Daughter's Life
Peg Dawson and Richard Guare, Smart but Scattered
Carla Hannaford, Smart Moves Why Learning Is Not All In Your Head
Sari Solden, Journeys Through ADDulthood
Dr. Frederic Flach, Rickie
Dr Daniel G Amen, Healing ADD
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
Ha! I am answering that question during the Corona Virus Shelter-in-home era--The sunshine of another day!
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
That question brings out another "ha" in me. When I was a small child, Rebecca Caudill lived locally and my mother read her books to my brothers, sisters and me. She and her husband were friends with my parents. On every birthday she would send me a card. I always recall how one year she included a small handkerchief with my card-similar to the one the young Bonnie had received in her book. I wanted to grow up and write books like she did.

Then, in 3rd grade, (you will have to be "old" to remember these books!!) there was a series of orange-covered biographical books with titles like Nancy Hanks, Pioneer woman and George Washington, Farm boy. I read every book in the series. So, in 4th grade the first "story I ever wrote" was Betsy Schooley, City girl. I have laughed about that title over the years, coming from a relatively small Midwestern university "city" of Champaign, having lived in San Francisco, NYC, Boston and Guatemala City!
What is your writing process?
My writing process involved typing drafts on my computer while intermittently sifting through notes I had taken in workshops; skimming books I had read; or looking at my clients' work in my Brain Ways office. I tried to write each day for two hours.

In the editing process, I read the comments and suggested edits from my editors, and then re-wrote my drafts.
Do you remember the first book you read that started you on the path you took to end up in your published book?
Yes. Of course! I read A Revolutionary Way of Thinking by Dr. Charles Krebs. I re-read it two more times in the following weeks. I was on my path to learn all I could about the brain and specifically ADHD. I audited a class on Neurobiology at UC Berkeley in which I was often flummoxed with all the technical terms and the intricacies of the brain's workings...then I would re-read Krebs' chapters like "Mapping A Marvelous Entity" and "The Amazing Terrain of the Human Brain," and marvel at how clearly he wrote and how easy his writing was to understand. Dr. Kreb's book also renewed my interest in John Thie's marvelous book from the 70's called Touch for Health.
How did you approach cover design?
I had a writing-publishing coach, Brooke Warner, who sent me a Cover Memo asking me to list adjectives describing my book and some questions to answer about my book. I was also asked to insert images, ideas, or book covers that I admired. Then cover designer extraordinaire, Tabitha Lahr, took my answers and images and designed a number of covers which we then "tweaked" until I agreed that she "had it perfectly!"
What do you read for pleasure?
Laila Ibrahim and Doris Kearns Goodwin are my favorite authors...I can hardly wait to read their next books. Laila's novels are so diverse in their historical backgrounds and I have loved going back in time to each place she has taken me with her words. No better way to read history than with Doris Kearns Goodwin! An Amazing historian and writer.

I loved the review the Dr. Leonard Press wrote on my book the Fantastic Elastic Brain for the Journal of Vision Development and Rehabilitation. I continue to read his articles and blogs which are always of some fascinating topic.

I also must mention the "pleasure" I have received from reading Dr. Jason Hung's book, The Complete Guide to Fasting. I have also enjoyed losing 30 pounds following his fasting protocols. I am amazed that he never asks for money from anyone to "buy a product" or "get this amazing treatment." I wish I could buy a copy for every diabetic person out there--as he writes of so many people that no longer have diabetes-just from fasting! He has given many talks on YouTube as well as blogging.

Series I have loved reading from first book to last include Harry Potter and Outlander.
Recent Audible listens include Willa Cather's My Antonia and My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoic.

I actually read The East Bay Times daily. I receive the weekend edition of The Wall Street Journal which I find to be good pleasure-reading for days. I also like Newsletters about organic foods and health issues like Nutrition Action and Consumer Reports On Health.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.

Books by This Author

The Fantastic Elastic Brain:
Price: $7.95 USD. Words: 59,470. Language: English. Published: June 2, 2018 . Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Experimental methods
The Fantastic Elastic Brain is a culmination of Schooley’s personal, teaching, and private-practice experience. Amazing things have happened with the kids Schooley has worked with—and in this book, she shares all the “how-tos” for helping kids who are struggling in school by exercising the brain. The Fantastic Elastic Brain is a road map to changing students’ brain—and lives!—for the better.
The Fantastic Elastic Brain:
Price: $7.95 USD. Words: 59,470. Language: English. Published: June 2, 2018 . Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Experimental methods
The Fantastic Elastic Brain is a culmination of Schooley’s personal, teaching, and private-practice experience. Amazing things have happened with the kids Schooley has worked with—and in this book, she shares all the “how-tos” for helping kids who are struggling in school by exercising the brain. The Fantastic Elastic Brain is a road map to changing students’ brain—and lives!—for the better.