Interview with Fizza Younis

Published 2016-06-29.
When did you first start writing?
I've been writing my whole life I think, at least, from as long as I can remember. I have always felt the writing is soothing. My first work was published in my school magazine when I was in seventh grade and since then I've been doing it pretty consistently.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
No. I don't really remember my first story. I do remember writing as a kid. All my family members and friends used to read my stories and I believe it was their encouragement then due to which I am still writing.
When I look back, the story which I remember was about a lot of Princes and Princesses because I always thought that just one Prince and a Princess are not enough and every story should have at least a dozen. I have always preferred writing fantasies although I cannot tell why. May be its because I have a wild imagination and reality is not good enough for me.
What's the story behind your latest book?
I wrote my latest book and the first ebook "All is Well that Ends Well" when I competed in a national book competition here in Pakistan. There isn't really a story behind it. I have always wanted to write for kids although I do believe that as a grown up its not easy to do. I tried my best though and now the readers will decide if I succeeded or not.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I have been reading ebooks for a while now and I think it is a great way to expose one's work to a larger audience and smashwords has made it very easy to publish books, therefore, I decided to become an indie author and see how it goes.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I enjoy reading and painting so its usually one of these.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
It relaxes me. Sometimes I feel that my head is full of random thoughts and its all jumbled up so I take a pen and paper and start writing. As I write my thoughts start making sense to me. It soothes me, I don't know how else to explain this but the feeling I get while writing cannot be explained in words. I can only say that it makes be very happy.
What do your fans mean to you?
Everything. I write for them as much as for myself. They make my efforts worthwhile.
What are you working on next?
I am writing a novel these days. Its too early to say much about it. Before now I have only written short stories but I have always wanted to write a novel and I think it is time for me to give it a go. It will be for children as well and will again be a fantasy, hopefully my readers will enjoy it.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
Life is beautiful I think, there is no inspiration needed to get out of bed each day. I just love to see all the beauty around me and I know that I can read and write to my heart's desire which makes me the luckiest person.
Who are your favorite authors?
As a kid I used to read books by Enid Blyton and to this day she is my favorite author. Her work has really inspired me. Other than that Roald Dahl and J. K. Rowling are also my favorite authors and I think there is no age limit to enjoy their books, which is a real accomplishment for an author in my opinion.
How do you deal with writer’s block?
I have yet to learn how to deal with it. for now I just let it run it's course. Sometimes all I need is to take a break from writing and focus on my other hobbies. One of which is painting. I find it soothing and peaceful.
What’s the best thing about being a writer?
For me it is just a hobby. I enjoy writing and mostly it is for myself. I have been writing since as long as I can remember but I've very recently decided to publish my work.
How do you get inspired to write?
Everything inspires me. People around me, nature, love, life you name it. There is a story at every turn we take.
Sort By: Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?
It was a dream I had. I just wanted to put it down on paper
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