Interview with cheryl zmijewski

Published 2013-09-30.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
My favorite books are:Automatic Millionaire (the whole series), Fix It And Forget It (series), The Out Of Sync Child, The Tight Wad Gazette, Bible. I like books that help me save money, and find valuable solutions to problems of life. My book deals with autism and finding the Talent of Autism through the use of budget friendly therapy, medication, diet, education, and other things; that are not only budget friendly but family friendly. Unlike other book on developing the talents of autism; mine includes the Christian Values of being frugal with the emphasis not only on "curing" autism but family and marriage.
What do you read for pleasure?
I like to read for information, because I enjoy learning from expert on way to save money on other things; so I am able to develop the talents of my children and the talents of my child's autism.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
I like to read PDF on my reader.
What makes you qualified to write a book on autism?
I have been a registered nurse for 18 plus years. I have worked in many areas of nursing. Case Management in both the public and private sector, has been what I have done for the last five years. I am the mother of four boys one who is on the autism spectrum. My child was diagnosis before be on the autism spectrum became a fad or fashionable before Autism Awareness. My son went from what one would consider a severely autistic child to a "cured" child with some learning disabilities he learned to compensate for. I did this without much help, in a time when Autism Spectrum Disorder was not in the DSM-5 nor covered by insurance companies. The book is a combination of my knowledge as a medical professional and a mom. The book is not a personal story and my son is not the cover child, it is a book of scientific and proven case management techniques that: can be used at home to develop the talent of autism while keeping your family and marriage happy/healthy.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I wanted to share my knowledge about autism and treating autism on a family friendly budget with others. As a nurse, nurse case manager, along with being a mom I wanted to share my professional knowledge with others. So many books on autism are mom's sharing their personal journey, this is okay but no one child with autism has all of the same behaviors or symptoms. My book addresses this and is not a personal journey, it is a book that gives scientifically proven solutions on developing the talents of autism in childhood for a productive and independent adulthood (as independent as the adult can be).--
What do your fans mean to you?
I write for my fans. Parents who have children with autism know they have super hero talents. Yet, many have little money to invest in developing their children's talents. Most can not work, because they need to stay home and take care of their child with autism or be home when their child gets home. Employers do not want to hear, I have a child with disabilities I need to attend to at home. My book gives parents the tools to help their child develop the talents of autism on a limit budget.
What are you working on next?
I am working on fiction books that show the Talents of Autism, using characters who have autism and use their talents.
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