Interview with Lindsay Boyd

Published 2014-01-25.
When did you first start writing?
I always enjoyed writing. But I first committed myself to writing stories as such - other than a few minor works done as school assignments that is - around the age of eighteen. That year, while attending tertiary college, I set myself the task of writing a novel.
What's the story behind your latest book?
As a writer, I am principally a novelist. However, my latest book - two books in fact - is what I would call a travel memoir and deals with my life both before and after I became a world traveller. I just thought that now would be a good time to pen such a work.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I probably would have become an indie author well before I actually made the decision to self-publish a trilogy of novels (some years ago) but for the fact that such a move was cost prohibitive. The advent of digital technology, however, changed the situation. Over a period of decades I have tried traditional publishing outlets time after time and though by now I have had some success in marketing my work accordingly it has been limited. In any event I think being an independent artist is better in many, many ways and indeed preferable for a certain kind of individual / artist.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
We will have to see about that! But I look forward to partnering with smashwords and seeing where the journey leads.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
While writing my first novel, in particular, I caught a glimpse of the pleasure to be had from setting down a sentence, combining several to form a paragraph and shaping a number of paragraphs into the novelist’s pride and joy, none other than a chapter! That, for me, was the greatest joy of the process. Today, the simple act of writing continues to please me just as much. What satisfaction can be gained from re-reading something that has been worked on unstintingly in the past! How thrilling to marvel at the rhythm or the fact that one has said exactly what one aspired to say with the means at hand!
What do your fans mean to you?
Very much - those that I have! Writing, for me, has always been an attempt to communicate with others and get a dialogue going. If something that I write leads a person to think and feel then I have 'succeeded', as far as I am concerned, and might rightly regard that person as a 'fan'. This conception is a little different to how a writer of say genre fiction might consider his / her fans.
What are you working on next?
I am about to commence work on another trilogy of novels. My first trilogy - and they were all self-contained novels - dealt principally with the themes of healing and reconciliation. The linking theme this time will be new life.
Who are your favorite authors?
Hermann Hesse. Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Franz Kafka. Albert Camus. Alejo Carpentier. Henry James. Ray Bradbury. Kazuo Ishiguro. Mario Vargas Llosa. Marilynne Robinson. Ian McEwan. Alice Munro. Jhumpa Lahiri.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
The potential for discoveries and growth, in short. A new day is like a new life or a completely new chance. Who would want to pass up such an opportunity?
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I do a lot of mediation. I have meditated twice a day every day for more than twenty years. I love to read and try to keep as fit as possible - mostly through running and swimming and cycling. I do not have a television so I hardly ever watch that. But I enjoy looking at films from time to time, especially the work of less commercial or mainstream directors. I am also an avid lover of music of many different kinds.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
Sometimes simply through chancing on the blurbs that a distributor like smashwords might have online. If something tweaks my interest I might give it a try. But I have also chased down the work of favourite authors, or books that I was especially interested in reading, simply by searching to see if they were available in e-book format.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.

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