Interview with Liz Royle

Published 2018-08-04.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I don't remember the first story I actually wrote but I do remember making up bedtime stories to tell to my younger brothers. They were about a child with a magic bag that had things in that could solve any problem or overcome any obstacle that was being faced. I was about 8 I think so I'm not sure what the quality of the stories were but my brothers enjoyed them. At least they always fell asleep!
What is your writing process?
My writing is non-fiction so it's a tortuous process of gathering information and concepts and sculpting them into a flowing narrative. I really dislike academic texts that are not accessible to readers.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
I used to love James Herriot's books - the Yorkshire vet tales of life set in the 60s or 70s I think.
I desperately wanted to be a vet!
What do you read for pleasure?
Anything! Working in psychological trauma, sometimes I like a real escape or something easy like chick-lit.
Anything with a good story will do although I used to persist with a not-so-good one right to the end as I was brought up to respect books and authors. The equivalent of "clear your plate" even though you're not hungry or don't like it! I'm doing this much less now.
Describe your desk
I go with the philosophy of tidy desk - tidy mind. I can't work with clutter. I like a view of the garden where I can watch the birds and see the sky. When I'm stuck, I can spend a few minutes looking out of the window, and getting out of my head, and this seems to help.
My dog is usually flat out asleep nearby and it's all reasonably peaceful. I'm very lucky.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
We moved around a lot and changed primary schools several times. I think I used story telling to create my own little world where I had some control. It also meant we met lots of different people from different backgrounds and this helps me step inside different shoes and lives more easily.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Having control over my writing. My first book was published by a New York publisher which sounds great but everything gets signed over to them and there's no real control over where it goes. It was a massive opportunity and I am very proud of my connections with them but I do like to be independent in life!
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Creating something out of nothing. It's like sculpting, even the non-fiction books. You start with a vague idea then a lump of words and concepts and have to refine and mould them into something to be proud of. There's usually a moment when it feels like the finished piece is starting to emerge from the mess and I love that moment of clarity.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I like to find solutions to problems and think about how we can do things differently. I've been developing new solutions to managing trauma and emotional crisis as I don't feel we, as mental health professionals, are reaching enough people with support that meets their needs. Many people cannot or will not go for talking therapies and there have to be alternative options for them. I'm big on empowerment and independence and, along with my co-author Cath Kerr, we've developed some of these options. My time now is spent getting them out in the world ... and walking my dog on the hills.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.

Books by This Author

Power to Recover: A complete guide to managing psychological trauma at work
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 40,100. Language: English. Published: July 31, 2018 . Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health, Nonfiction » Psychology » Industrial & organizational psychology
If you are involved in the management of a traumatic event at work – whether you are responsible for preparing an organisation, responding to the crisis or facilitating the recovery of those affected – then this book is written for you. Illustrative examples, practical activities and useful resources are interwoven throughout the theory, helping you to explore issues and draw up a strategic plan.
The Psychology of YoYo Dieting: 7 Steps to Breaking Free
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 33,440. Language: English. Published: July 23, 2018 . Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Dieting, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Confidence & self-esteem
Have you been on many, many different “diets” and lost the same half a stone several times over? Written by Counselling Psychologist (and ex-yoyo dieter) Cath Kerr and Dr Liz Royle, this book is about the inner psychological battle that prevents you from achieving and maintaining what you want. It teaches seven key steps to break free from the constant yoyo dieting by working from the inside out.