Interview with Jools Constant

Published 2015-10-21.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
disappearing into new worlds and characters and the surprises when they lead me places I never expected.
What are you working on next?
One old Irish Rogue's last great adventure. A poker table, a handshake, a gun, a big bag of money, several dancing girls and a pint of Guinness.
Who are your favorite authors?
Stephen King. Frank McCourt. Ben Elton.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
a million new ideas and a thousand new adventures.... plus, I have bills to pay!
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I'm a professional stand-up comedian and storyteller. I also run a small construction company. In my limited spare time I love searching for Antiques and one -off unusual objects. I also enjoy building and adapting furniture for new uses.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I was seven years old & I wrote my version of James Bond. His most potent weapon was a 1930's style sent spray which became a flame thrower. I kept this story along with all my essential spy equipment in a tiny brown suitcase which was always locked!
What is your writing process?
Start with a great idea. Begin to tell the story. Let the characters lead the way. I never predict / plan the structure of a story, I allow the story to tell me where it wants to go and I am often surprised at the result.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
Speed Six. A story about he Bentley Boys entering a 1920's blower Bentley into 1960's Le Mans. They won.... crossing the line on three wheels in a shower of sparks. The story told me that if you keep working, keep believing and never give up, you have a very good chance of winning.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
The MoneyMaker by Janet Gleeson. Tells a story of an amazing man who was a social and financial adventurer, his name isJohn Law and how he changed the world and yet no one has heard of him.
Herodotus The Histories. Its a comfort to know that 2500 years ago the world was exactly the same as it is now.... noting much has changed, politically or socially.
Describe your desk
anywhere that I can balance my laptop.
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The Book
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