Interview with Justine Cox

Published 2018-04-15.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
The greatest joy of writing for me is getting my deepest fantasies out on paper. While I don't particularly crave these fantasies to happen in real life, writing the words out on paper helps me satisfy my urges and curiosities.
What do your fans mean to you?
Fans mean everything. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment when people enjoy my writings and it motivates me even more to express myself creatively.
What are you working on next?
I'm working on the next "session" for Rebecca and her counselor. They haven't begun therapy yet, only finished the intake portion. The sexy intake with her doctor left both me AND Rebecca wanting more, but I'm the only one willing to admit it. :)
Who are your favorite authors?
I have quite a few, but John Grisham will always be my favorite. I've read all of his books and have even bought new copies when I left mine in an aiport bathroom!
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing games, being outside, baseball games, and pretending like I'm the greatest cornhole champ ever.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
As a curious person, I've used the internet to explore my fantasies. I came across Smashwords several years ago when I was looking for other like-minded authors. This was significantly huge to me, as I found other people who share the same fantasies as I do.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I do.. I wrote it in middle school and needless to say, it was pretty terrible. :)
What is your writing process?
My writing process varies, depending on the project. Oftentimes, I'll start in the middle of the story and just go from there. I usually have a theme and storyline picked out, but starting at the very beginning of the story can get me tripped up. Once I get in the flow, I write and write until I'm burned out. Then the rest of the process is adding the beginning, and editing. It can take me anywhere from a few days to a year to finish a project, but it's always rewarding in the end.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
I was an avid reader as a child and I remember reading "Nightmare Mountain" in fourth grade. It was so good and descriptive, I could almost picture myself there. I read the book several times and even wrote a book report on it. I think this book really crafted my desire to paint as vivid a picture as possible in all my writings.
How do you approach cover design?
This is a tough one. I have a degree in Art, and I thought it would be easy. But it wasn't, and I'm pretty sure my first cover design was mediocre at best. I plan to hire a freelance artist for my next cover, so be prepared to see a big difference!
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.

Books by This Author

Rebecca & her counselor
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 7,930. Language: English. Published: July 5, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General
Disciplined by her university, Rebecca must undergo counseling before they determine her eligibility for the next year. She meets with Dr. Harper, a licensed MD and counselor, who implements a mandatory and thorough examination as part of her intake. An intimate exam has Rebecca shocked and nervous, even as she tries to trust the doctor in their first appointment.