Interview with Lee Bond

Published 2013-12-30.
Describe your desk
My desk? Coffee cup right there at my left, because I write only in the morning. Earplugs all over the place, because my train of thought can be easily derailed. My desk faces the outside world, because when it's bright out in the morning, I like to stare out of it every now and again to digest what my fingers wrote.
When did you first start writing?
I've been writing since I was about five years old. For the longest time, though, what I wrote could've been considered fanfic. I didn't find my own 'voice' -properly- until about 5 years ago.
What's the story behind your latest book?
My latest book, Dark Iron King, is the continuation of a series I've been working on for the last 5 years. It follows the adventures of Garth 'Nickels' N'Chalez as he struggles to assist the Unreal Universe into being born.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Haha. Honest answer? Traditional publishing routes seem nearly impossible to break into these days.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
When I'm editing, and I come across a sentence or paragraph and I find myself thinking 'Holy crap, who wrote this? This is AWESOME'.
What do your fans mean to you?
My fans mean everything to me. There was a time shortly before I finished Subversive Elements where I was going to quit writing it to work on another project when one of the people who'd read Foreign Devil that I also know personally came up to me and said 'Wow, you really ARE a writer! This is a helluva book'. That comment made the decision for me, and though I'm not making millions from what I'm writing, I'm going to finish the series if it kills me!
What are you working on next?
Next, I might either work on the sequel to Renegade Writman or just keep plugging away at the next book in the Unreal Universe series.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
The usual manchild way. Video games. Overdosing on Netflix. Scotch. sometimes all at once.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I DO, actually! It was a short story. I can't remember the whole of it, but I remember the ending: a boy opened a door into the world of God, and there were all these parrots. Just everywhere with parrots. I don't even like birds. I think they're stupid as pets.
What is your writing process?
I get up. Make a cup of coffee. I sit down. I let my fingers do their thing for an hour or so, depending on the mood. most of the time i get about 2000 words out, though sometimes that can get up to 8000. I cut and paste what I just wrote into a 'dailies' doc. some time during the day, I read what i wrote. then, for the rest of the day, i think about what i'm going to write the next day (when i'm not netflixing or playing video games) and then, right before bed, i try to spend a bit of time before i fall asleep doing the same.

that way when i wake up, my fingers already know what's going to happen. it's magic.
Why do I keep writing and self-publishing when for all intents and purposes, I'm not making those big Harry Potter dollars?
Because I realized that I'm going to write no matter what. it's been the one thing i've done the longest, and even though i'm not going to wake up tomorrow a hundred millionaire, i ENJOY writing. i love coming up with something new and exciting every day. i have a handful of fans who eagerly await what i write, and that, combined with the aforementioned never-going-to-stop-writing-ed-ness i suffer from, well, i guess i'll continue until my fingers stop.
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Books by This Author

Doghouse Blues: Gorman's Game
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 306,120. Language: English. Published: August 16, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Military
Along with a ragtag band of wastrels and burned out mercenaries, Garth 'Nickles' N'Chalez, fresh inductee into Special Services, finds himself going head-to-head with a disgraced, highly-skilled ex-Specter on the planet Solstice Dream. Set against a backdrop of Universal Intrigue and AI-manipulation, how will Garth Nickles survive his first mission?