Interview with Yanan Melo

Published 2014-11-04.
Who are your favorite authors?
Well, Mary Shelley is #1.
Second would be D.J. MacHale.
Third is Rick Riordan.

There are many more!
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
*laughs*. That's hard because I always wake up late like 10 or 11 AM. Well, maybe my family and God.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
Card Magic Tricks! Video Games!!! MOVIES!!!!!!!!!
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
Through friends and the internet.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes. It is a Filipino short story titled, "Ang Gi-patay na Pianista" (English: The Pianist who was Murdered). I co-wrote it with a friend of mine when we were both around nine-years-old. And, it was rather gory. In fact, it was too gory for nine-year-olds.
What is your writing process?
#1: Brainstorming. Think of all the ideas you can and write them on a piece of paper. Then, erase all the ideas you don't really need.

#2: Plot-building. Read the words you've chosen repeatedly and write a plot summary. And, abra-kadabra! You now have a story!

#3: Develop the story. Yes, develop the story. Erase and add some plot points.

#4: Write 'til the end. Just keep on writing. Don't look back. Write and write and write until you complete your first draft! (WARNING: Do not look back)

#5: Revise. Yes, revise.

#6: Revise again! Revising is very essential.

#7: Share. You're done... so... share it!!!
What do you read for pleasure?
Comics. Obviously. Like Batman or The Avengers. Whatevah!
What is your e-reading device of choice?
Kindle. Yes, Kindle Fire or Paperwhite would do.
Describe your desk
A battleground of books, pencils, pens, two decks of Bicycle playing cards (I love doing card magic tricks, too), notebooks, paper, comics, Flash Disks and Hard Drives, a phone, and potato chips.
When did you first start writing?
2009 was when I wrote my first short story.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Family and the problems of life.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.

Books by This Author

Series: Yanan Melo's Short Stories, I. Price: $1.52 USD. Words: 3,900. Language: English. Published: July 22, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Historical, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense
Hannah, a young communist hides from Nazi soldiers in World War Two. Throughout her final hours, she falls in love, conquers fear, and discovers the truth behind death.