Marvin Mayer

Smashwords book reviews by Marvin Mayer

  • Four Star Funerals: An Anthology About Death on Dec. 28, 2011

    There were at least 3 reasons why I chose to purchase this e-book: to learn about people's reactions to death; to respond to the personal request [to purchase it]; and to check my ability to download it to my newly acquired iPad. While all 3 were valid reasons, the purchase could and should have been made just to enjoy a good read. It definitely was one. I truly was impressed by the quality of writing from so many different authors. Each story was unique, but each was extremely well written. I even found myself identifying with the authors of at least two of the individual stories. The subject of death and funerals is one most people don't care to discuss or read. The title, therefore, might have been a put off for me had the invitation not come through my friends at SCBWI. I'm glad I didn't let that (the title) dissuade me. The subject of death was handled with discretion, punctuated now and then with humor, making it a "fun" read. I highly recommend it. Marvin S. Mayer, Author