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Soul Seasons
Price: $2.22 USD. Words: 10,600. Language: English. Originally Published: October 1, 2023 by 2b2b2. Categories: Poetry » African Poetry
Vast are the horizons in a mind as it  explains, expands and contracts or contrasts all that it encounters, evaluates or equates.  In these atmospheric captures, we travel outward and inward to define celestial, terrestial experiences.  Through our individual experiences, we ultimately find  Love and Peace in all things!!
My Expressway (of Poetry)
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 6,870. Language: English. Originally Published: October 11, 2022 by 2b2b2. Categories: Poetry » African Poetry, Poetry » American poetry » African American
My Expressway (of Poetry) are my thoughts and feelings conveyed in fast paced poetic lines of phrases and verses that express the reasons and seasons of personal and casual impressions on events and how it all appears to me, "2b". Looking out from the windows at life literally and figurative are part and parcel in my style of poetry on common experiences. My beltway of bars are fast moving from...
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