Adiana Ray


Adiana enjoys reading murder mysteries, classic romances and playing Pictionary (the noisier the better). She believes in the Zen tenet ‘each state has a 1000 truths’. Every person brings their own unique experiences to a situation, which makes them see things differently and interpret it in their own way.

Couple this with the winds of change that are sweeping across the Indian sub-continent, with the rise of the meritocracy, breaking down of social barriers, rising education levels and professional representation for women in the work force, and more and more men and women working side by side on a daily basis; at the same time family ties, ideas of beauty and attractiveness in a partner and cultural expectations haven’t exactly been thrown out of the window.

All these things together throw up interesting circumstances, actions and reactions among people. This is what inspires her to write, trying to see each relationship in a different way, and always having a new story to tell. When she writes, her story could be a fantasy, but will be a believable one that could happen to anyone of us and her focus, above all, is to entertain the reader.

Rapid Fall is her first published book. She can be reached at or on her blog rayyydays or on Facebook, and Twitter.


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