Aditya Basu

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I am a veteran Media Producer and Publisher with over 16 years experience in working with various electronic media formats like TV, Radio and the Internet. My combination of technical knowledge and expertise of various media platforms combined with my cross platform creative abilities help me to successfully attain any media objective that I set my eyes on, for myself or for my clients.

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Light: ひかり
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 13,410. Language: Commonwealth English. Published: January 6, 2015 by Aditya Basu. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Personal inspiration, Essay » Sociology
Everyday we are drawn into the circumstance of either doing the right thing or the wrong. Being able to extract the good elements of the Universe can give you guidance with true and pure love to be a better human being. “Light “opens your heart, trains your mind, and relaxes your inner spirit eventually find soul salvation.

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