Anna B. Madrise


Anna B. Madrise, is a multi-genre, fiction author who is a happy "transplant" to the state of Georgia where she lives with her husband and a menagerie of four-legged, furry, little monsters, that include four fluffy dogs and one rock-star kitty-cat.

Anna is author of Tales of Dovewood; an on-going YAfantasy-book series and The Indie Manual; a How-To book for self-pub authors. She is an avid gardener, cook, kayaker, and much like the Hobgoblins she writes about; enjoys all things shiny.

Sprite - Holiday Fantasy - forthcoming December 2016

The Shearwater Mysteries - Cozies - forthcoming March 2017.

She is very active on Twitter where she promotes fellow writers and authors that make up the self-pub community. If you are wanting to escape from it all follow her Instagram page for beautiful pictures of nature and other inspirations.

Smashwords Interview

Where did you get the idea for the Tales of Dovewood Series?
I have always enjoyed old wives’ tales and folklore. You can find mention of Hobgoblins in old English and Irish folktales. They are usually described as little men who help out around the house when humans would go to sleep at night. I wanted to play with that idea and build a rich story-line and history about these unique creatures before they became household companions.
What traits and other tidbits do you share with your main character?
Mundane Bergamot is a Kitchen Witch, which is a type of witch that’s specialty is earth magic. The use of earth magic is centered on cooking and gardening. These are two hobbies that are near and dear to my heart. She also has a bit of wanderlust and has a taste for adventure, which appeals to the free spirit woman inside of me.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Anna B. Madrise online


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