
Publisher info

Blaque Diamond, born Bianca Johnson in the fall of 1989, always had a love for reading. Instead of playing outside with the other children, she could always be found with her head buried in a book somewhere. She enjoyed the magical adventures her books took her on every time she turned the pages. When she was eleven years old, she was urged to pursue writing as a career choice by her fifth-grade teacher. Blaque Diamond always wrote poetry and children's stories as a hobby, and also as a form of therapy. She did not have an easy-going childhood, so writing was her way of escaping her harsh reality. Her teacher took note of her ability to tell a story and encouraged her to explore and develop her skills more. To Blaque Diamond, writing was her only way to express what she felt inside without saying exactly what was on her mind. Writing poetic proses and creative stories allowed her to make her voice heard through her own words.

As she grew older, Blaque Diamond began taking her teachers advice. She always involved herself in writing related activities in school, especially creative writing classes. She was always interested in learning about different forms of writing and the different styles. Her love for reading the written word, then became her love for writing. She loved the idea of creating her own stories. She took pride in the passion that poured through her words. Blaque Diamond took the first initiative to get her work published in January of 2017 when she submitted some of her poetry to be published in an anthology. Blaque Diamond submitted four poems, and three of them were chosen, hence her publishing journey first began. Since then, she has went on to publish several more publications as a self-published author with many more publications to come.

When she's not writing, Blaque Diamond enjoys traveling, cooking, spending time with friends, mixing up her next batch of homemade body butter, reading a good book, shopping, and anything else she has a mind to get into. Blaque Diamond categorizes her genre of writing as Contemporary African-American Fiction, which could fall under genres such as urban fiction, African-American romance, urban drama, or African-American fiction, and of course, poetry. If you would like to keep up with her latest releases and other happenings in her life, check out her website and subscribe to her blog.


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