Chris Sabga

Smashwords book reviews by Chris Sabga

  • The Elvis Interviews on May 18, 2009

    "The Elvis Interviews" is exactly the kind of book I love. It's fast-paced, action-packed, has great characters and memorable locales, and something's always happening! You can sample 50% of Glen Bonham's novel for free at Smashwords, which is awesome. I was hooked long before the halfway point and I happily purchased the book to find out what happened after that. Fear not: You don't need to know anything about Elvis to enjoy the novel (I am not very knowledgeable about "The King" myself). In fact, you'll learn a lot just by reading this. I am amazed that the author is actually from Canada, not Elvis's Tennessee (knowledge I gleaned from his official website, It reads like it was written by a true native. I give Glen Bonham's "The Elvis Interviews" my highest recommendation.