Jamie Shaw


My name is Jamie Shaw. I am a amateur author with a HUGE heart. I started my own project called The Random Kindness Project (RKP). This project has ONLY one purpose to help those in need without any motives. The sales of published ebooks will go toward this project. Thank you for supporting this AWESOME project. Find out more information about it by copying the following link into your web browser address bar and hitting enter:


Thank you and PLEASE remember that....

"If we keep kindness selfless, it will never seem pointless."

Where to find Jamie Shaw online

Facebook: Facebook profile


The Random Kindness Project Episode 1
Episode Summary: A gentleman, that works at the same place as me, named Noah was in dire need of a replacement window. Located one for him, got it, and had it installed while he was at work. We told him that someone was breaking into his car but little did he know... (muhahahaha).


This member has not published any books.