Darrell Lloyd Mackenzie


This series isn’t about me but rather her. It’s been one way to tie up some loose ends in my past. At the time, I didn’t even know her that well. More of a friend of a friend sort of thing.
We tried to warn him she was trouble — something in her eyes rubbed us wrong — but he hadn't been with anyone for ages. So what if she was gonzo? She was stacked like you wouldn't believe. Quite simply, he was open, even open for a hit. Besides, she knew how to make music. The kind of jazz he enjoyed.
She came into his life like a tornado in the depth of winter, and for maybe one month they were exclusive. She was squirrelly but va-va-voom. Got it?
And then things turned weird, really weird. Her former boyfriend, if you can call him that, swept her up for a weekend visit. After that, well, she was living two lives, one quite secretive, and gone most weekends.
At the end of the semester, she disappeared, to everyone’s relief.
He wound up filing her as one of those whatever-happened-to question marks in his past, a lover on his casualty list, a near-miss on the heartbreak lane.
More recently, some materials fell into my hands — I won’t say what or how — but they were shocking revelations of what she had been up to and how her life had turned in another direction.
Quite simply, they were eye-opening, so here they are. Maybe you’ve seen her porn videos or met her at a party. Make of them what you will.

Smashwords Interview

Tell us about this project.
I don’t know why they wanted me to know or how they tracked me down, but my friend was no longer around and I think they wanted somebody to safeguard the story of their transformation of a plain Jane from Flatbush, Brooklyn, into a very willing sexual submissive to a billionaire. Just in case some big disaster hit them, I suppose. They must have wanted an intermediary. Their side of the story, not the D.A.’s.
Do you need a spoiler alert?
What were the biggest surprises for you?
Whew! That these things actually exist, I suppose. Until I saw the photos, I thought she was fabricating her account.
I’m still concerned about her lack of sleep. They packed a lot into her typical day.
And then there was the shock that somebody I had once known turned into a major league sex figure. That was a much bigger jolt than discovering our high school quarterback working as a gay prostitute at a downtown hotel.
I mean, of all the people I’ve encountered, she wouldn’t have been a candidate for the dishonors. Do you know how much some of them gross?
And then there’s so much I’ve learned about the Upper East Side, private jets, superyachts, that sort of thing — it really is a whole different world.
Read more of this interview.

Darrell Lloyd Mackenzie's favorite authors on Smashwords

Smashwords book reviews by Darrell Lloyd Mackenzie

  • The New Hire on June 21, 2023

  • Auctioned Treasured Rhiannon on July 11, 2023

    For all of its layers of moneyed, as in to the manor born, old-school London in a modern setting, this mordant tale quickly runs raw. As in rough-edged, with power, not all of it sexual, as its core, here complicated by the power of obsession, as in powerless in its grip. If you’re turned on by that, this book will thrill. That’s even before getting to this version of Anastasia Steele, who goes far beyond where Grey’s wouldn’t.
  • Plush on July 11, 2023

    There’s nothing really surprising here, but it’s played much better than usual. Of course, she’s named Alice. Not that we know his. What excels is the way the encounter is lush with mystery. We know nothing of her past or her reasons for unquestioningly yielding to the demands of her first bondage experience. And, of course, we know nothing of him, other than he’s a kind of kinky Ken doll in the back room of a fantasy Victoria’s Secret.
  • Silk on July 11, 2023

    Focusing on their second intense session as interactions jointly creating a private scene, the dom and his sub become, shall we say, much better acquainted in things that matter in their arrangement. This is refreshingly free of the usual psycho-babble of their backgrounds. As for silk? There’s satin, too. Much of the power of this Wonderland series comes in having the experience (and awareness) being told from her experiences.
  • Leather on July 11, 2023

    We finally get confirmation that she’s a medical doctor but little more of her daily world. As for her third visit? Gone is the charm as she follows her dom in a bolder vein. What was intensely sensual now turns serious. Doesn’t that naturally follow silk and satin?
  • ElleVentures: The Party on July 11, 2023

    This fast-moving slick betrayal of a late-40s artist wife drawn into sexual servitude at the hands of her husband’s girlfriend gives new meaning of one-night stand as well as MILF. You're left with no time to wonder why she’s so willing to be so degraded. Just consider the wilder alternative plots. A little resistance on her part would add some spicy heat, definitely. So much of this brief introduction really does hinge on what happens next in the next volume, a whole wild weekend starting the very next morning. Or even what unfolds after. She just could be trashed, after all.
  • Slave of the Palace on July 12, 2023

    In this Handmaid’s Tale of sorts, a young peasant woman tells why she has chosen to become a sex slave for three years rather than accept the other very limited options open to her in this vaguely medieval or more recent oppressive society. The intricate descriptions of her initiation into bondage servitude, in a kind of convent for sin, as told from both her experience and the master’s, are intense and vivid. The prose, though, can be convoluted, as in “The slap of his bare hand on my buttocks drove the air from my lungs.” The experience would be far more direct and shorter than that. Halfway through, the story takes on a fairy-tale quality, which you can either ride along with as charming and romantic, or object to as a copout. Either way, the sweet girl is damn lucky.
  • Daddies' Girl on July 12, 2023

    Can a shared wet dream lead three people out of their bland realities? Cutting to the quick, she’s quickly undone, OK? As for them? If only this trio weren’t so perfect, even physically. Better yet, along with the dream, there’s a definite real-life nightmare added for nail-biting. It’s far too much to wrap up in a single volume. Still, I wonder how the story would go if the danger didn’t shift away to an external threat rather than staying on the tensions within their emerging threesome. Those two best buds deserve a closer examination, especially, without the distractions. Can the subsequent volumes deliver on that?
  • Cirque de Minuit on July 12, 2023

    Take this combative example of really having two mix business with pleasure. Even when it gets rough.
  • Emily Enchained on July 12, 2023

    This painstakingly detailed introduction to metal collar and cuffs is far too short. Emily is obviously ready for so much more.
  • Perfecting Lisa on July 15, 2023

    Very funny and preposterous. Perfect here means bimbo slash slut, but alas not a text full of sentences that will trip you up. As if the new Lisa is what a guy would really want for the long haul. Now, back to the transformed vixen.
  • Dark Desires, Inc. on July 15, 2023

    Having a digital Fifty Shades contract as an introduction to a hot video game is a clever way to sucker her and the reader alike into something more sinister than spam and malware infections. On the other side of the screen, though, the darker desires of a young computer nerd are also at work. How devilish, at least before it turns crudely brutal.
  • The Virgin Auctioned. Book 1 of the 'Buying the Virgin' Series on July 15, 2023

    As smooth as it gets. Lucky girl. Lucky master. If there’s a spot of blood, I missed it.
  • Buying the Virgin Box Set - Volume One - Seven Days on July 15, 2023

    As her master partners with the ex-virgin’s golden lover (and more) in their new adventures, the emphasis is on shared romance. And she says this is her real world rather than the college she attends? Everything’s so polite and idyllic, even when the sex would be considered rough in other hands. The young woman is getting quite spoiled, in fact, and perhaps so is the charmed reader.
  • Crazy Little Toy on July 15, 2023

    Our admittedly wild sex addict though purportedly shy girl isn’t anything like that from what we hear in her skeerdy-cat, girly tirades. Everything changes when you realize how hilarious this steamy story of obsession ultimately is. Yes. it’s vapidly insane.
  • Man of Power: Power Seduces All on July 15, 2023

    Oh, what a snake! And the charmers, all beautiful, keep coming out of holes everywhere. Yawza!
  • Mastering the Virgin Box Set Two on July 15, 2023

    At last, male rivalry, even jealousy, stresses the arrangement. If only she knows how much leverage it gives her. Voila! Besides, what happens if she decides two’s not enough? We’re entering new territory, though all three are still harboring their secrets.
  • AfterWife on July 16, 2023

    Whoa! A triple-something love story that starts with a suicide? When’s the last time you encountered that? And then it turns comical. Whoa, indeed. Especially when it gets really twisted at the end. Lauren Biel does not keep repeating the same book, title after title. This is quite fresh.
  • Captured on July 16, 2023

    A truly unique perspective into sexual degeneracy from a young male’s experience. One having poverty rather than billions to back him up. Do I hear banjos? This is truly creepiest right up to the upturn at the end.
  • Toxic Love on July 16, 2023

    This original account of a high-class prostitute’s entanglement with a very wealthy, eccentric client feels credible stage by stage, even as becomes her “husband,” and holds up almost to the end. Once she realizes she’s trapped, by herself as much as him, the torment really heightens.
  • Toxic Desires on July 16, 2023

    It’s fair to ask: Who is author Lauren Biel? Twisted, perhaps, in such unique insights into what many call love, especially as this rescue from enslavement soon complicates. What resonates here is her question, “How could I still feel attached to someone who ripped me apart? Someone who pretended to mend the wounds he created?” Does it really come down to power, sex, drugs, and really big money? Can she really get free? I keep wondering about the more realistic ending we don’t get here.
  • Their Secret Lives on July 17, 2023

    Tramell masterfully creates unique contortions in her characters’ relationships, especially when it comes to revenge, and this volume is just the opening round in a hot one. No wonder it’s set in Texas. Let’s start with a luvey-duvey hubby who seems to have a heavenly marriage, ‘cept he sometimes evens bad business brutally. Innocent people get seriously hurt.
  • Their Web of Lies on July 17, 2023

    As the plot thickens, so do the secret, highly sex-charged triangles. Will they ever get untangled? Nobody will be happy till they do, except … lives do get messy.
  • Their Exposed Truth on July 17, 2023

    The “Daddy” and “Baby” and “Mommy” nicknames unwittingly sit atop more secrets than everyone suspects. Given a new BDSM situation that would seem to solve their quandary, the three participants are each feel questions they dare not voice. Just who are you rooting the most for here? Will there be any justice, for any or all?
  • A Virgin Sacrificed on July 28, 2023

    Very sly humor. The nod to Shirley Jackson not withstanding.
  • Brutal Surrender on July 28, 2023

    A clear, sizzling exploration of a pain slut’s experience and desires, free of any taint of misogyny. Additional points to the author for expertly using quotation marks and knowing the difference between “who” and “that,” unlike many of the other books in the erotica field.