Dina Lang

Smashwords book reviews by Dina Lang

  • Feed My People on July 23, 2019

    I love a great sci-fi read that leaves me wanting more. Have you ever wondered how you would respond to a crisis? M.A. Kropp’s story Feed My People transports you to the midst of a community response to a food crisis. Which of the handful of characters would you become in a similar situation? This thought- provoking read left me desiring a sequel. This short story is an easy read which I could not put down until completed. I plan to check out her other novels.
  • Survival of the Fittest on July 24, 2019

    As an avid sci-fi fan, I thoroughly enjoyed and devoured “Survival of the Fittest” by M.A. Kropp. This short story is infused with genetic engineering, environmental demise and the survival of mankind. This story rivals others that I have read written in a similar genre by well-known authors. Kudos to M.A. Kropp who, in my opinion, has achieved the same level of literary talent with this story. Again I could not put this short story down until complete d and wished that the story continued!
  • Snake's Alive (Yo-Yo Files #2) on Aug. 06, 2019

    Yo Yo files #2 Snakes Alive I had set a personal goal to read more novels on my summer break this year. I am pleased to say that I have achieved this goal by reading several of M.A. Kropp’s offerings. I enjoy reading science fiction as it transports my tired brain to another dimension. After reading two of Ms. Kropp’s very short stories, I decided to read one of her novels. I chose “Yo-Yo Files 2: Snakes Alive”. I liked the title, thus the selection. The main characters – Cerisse and Johnny – reminded me of the partnership between Mulder and Scully in the X-Files as they worked through this adventure (or misadventure). I don’t know if any of you have ever read “Herbie” comic books back in the ‘60’s, but the main character’s yo-yo reminded me of Herbie’s lollipop. Do not start with #2, as this is a series, and I had no idea of the main characters’ background or relationship. You will meet several demonic creatures of lore within this novel during an age-old battle of good vs. evil, and sometimes that line gets blurred! You will have to read more to discover the ending. And I plan to read #1 of this series