Donna Faye


Having watched her father build every inch of his forty-two foot steel sailboat in his Chicagoland backyard for some twenty odd years, Donna Faye learned a thing or two about perseverance. When the boat began to take form, her mantra became, “If he can do that, I can do this.”

And that approach carried her through life’s challenges – from college classes to her years served the Air Force; to raising her four children as a stay-at-home mom; through numerous pet projects, acquired hobbies, charitable endeavors, and subsequent return to the workforce.

After her father’s untimely death, his example lent her the courage to string sentences together to create her stories, which, much like his boat, took many years to take form.

Smashwords Interview

What do you read for pleasure?
When I'm not writing, I devour anything that draws me in - mystery, sci-fi, comedy, nonfiction, drama, fantasy, chick lit, pretty much everything but horror. I seem to devour romance novels most of all. They're great for in the bathtub after my monsters are in bed - a delicious escape from reality.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
I suppose it's a cop out to say all the Harry Potter books, so I'll count the series as one, because picking one would be like choosing a favorite child.
The Star Wars books, especially the New Jedi Order Series (sadly the extended universe series books are now relegated to the fanfiction realm thanks to the new movies) I prefer the ones that happen after the original movies.
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom is such a charming, touching, and enlightening book. I simply adored it.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adam is a book I read a long time ago and it just stuck with me. I gobbled it down during a flight and giggled the whole way. I had always been a nonfiction (and historical fiction) reader, strange for a teenager, but it was one that helped me branch further into fiction. It's sarcastic and fabulous.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Donna Faye online


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