Hira H


Medical student, perpetual klutz, daydreamer, writer, poetry lover, book worm, hopeless romantic, practical adviser, sarcasm queen, relationship analyst, friendly therapist, eternal optimist, occasional escapist, amateur movie critic, humanitarian, cheap philanthropist, naughty nymph! =)

Smashwords book reviews by Hira H

  • Dirty Little Angels on March 22, 2011

    Chris Tusa's "Dirty Little Angels" is not for the faint of heart. It is a gritty and raw novel, depicting life in the inner city. Tusa presents a stark perspective, real in its portrayal, and never sugar-coated. This is the quality that makes Tusa's novel worth a read. Although, it doesn't hurt the book any to have wonderful characterization and an interesting plot, either. Our protagonist is 16 year old Hailey Trosclair, a teenager who has seen her share of misery in her short life. Hailey narrates the plot, and introduces us to her family. There's the father, a selfish, unfaithful, selfish man who also happens to be an alcoholic - he is responsible for the family's financial ruin. Then there is the mother, wallowing in her misery after a miscarriage, and leaving her kids to grieve in a wholly different manner. The older brother, who is protective and life's realities have turned him tough. There is the witty, comic-relief of a friend in Verma. And finally, there's Moses - Moses Watkins, a man who Hailey comes to trust and puts her faith in. All Moses is concerned about, though, is starting a "drive-thru" Church. It speaks to the awful psychological condition of our friend Hailey, that the man she has faith in, happens to be a man who is a religious con-artist. If you're looking for fluff to read, this book is not for you. If you're looking for a wonderfully written novel, with characters that are perfect in their imperfections, hauntingly real and beautiful - than this might be the book to pick up. The story is interesting, the character's perspectives are presented in a unique manner, the author's voice is strong and clear in presenting its point and he makes some great usage of metaphors that had me clamoring to write them down somewhere. Also, its clear that Tusa has spent some time in the places that he describes, because he not only describes them with stunning precision, but also with passion. I had never before read Chris Tusa's work, but after this novel, I will be sure to follow his works closely.