Esther Greene

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The Enlightened Empath: Your Guide to Understanding Your Gift, Finding and Keeping Love, and Achieving Happiness
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,680. Language: English. Originally Published: June 3, 2017 by Esther Greene. Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Numerology, Nonfiction » Music » New Age, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Zoroastrianism, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Medicine » Holistic medicine
Take charge of your abilities and your life once and for all. Empaths are people who are not only highly sensitive, but who also perceive the physical and emotional feelings of the people around them. Being an empath is both an incredible gift and a huge burden. It makes you a healer and helpful hand for others, but can cause you to neglect yourself, feel overwhelmed, and be more likely to be...
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