F Friend

Smashwords book reviews by F Friend

  • Free Sperm Donor Guide on Oct. 24, 2013

    For couples with male fertility problems, or women who don't have a male partner, in the past their only choice was a fertility clinic. But fertility clinics are expensive and often not covered by insurance. This book covers an alternative: a world where there are private donors who are willing to share their sperm for free. This book discusses the various issues around using a private donor, and then gets very practical - it describes where to find a donor, what to ask them, how to know when to perform an insemination, and how to go about doing it. Everything you need to know in a simple, practical manner.
  • Guía para la donación de semen gratis on Oct. 26, 2013

    En el pasado, la única opción para las parejas con problemas de fertilidad, o mujeres que no tienen una pareja masculina, era acudir a una clínica de fertilidad. Pero ese tipo de clínicas son costosas y frecuentemente no están incluidas en la cobertura de seguros de salud. Este libro explora otra alternativa: un mundo donde existen donantes privados que están dispuestos a compartir su esperma sin costo. En este libro se analizan varias cuestiones relacionadas con el uso de donantes privados, y luego se brindan muchos consejos prácticos: dónde encontrar un donante, qué preguntarles, cómo determinar cuándo debe realizarse una inseminación, y cómo realizarla. Todo lo que necesita saber en un formato simple y práctico.
  • How to Ship Sperm on the Internet: Get Pregnant Without Ever Having Sex, Paying a Sperm Bank, or Leaving Your Home on Nov. 03, 2013

    For couples with male fertility problems, or women who don't have a male partner, in the past their only option to conceive a baby was a fertility clinic. But fertility clinics are expensive and often not covered by insurance. This book covers a viable, inexpensive alternative: private donors who are willing to share their sperm for free. This book discusses the various issues around using a private donor, and then gets very practical - it describes where to find a donor, what to ask them, how to know when to perform an insemination, and how to go about doing it. This guide covers the steps involved in using a donor who is located elsewhere and who ships chilled semen using an overnight delivery service. Everything you need to know in a simple, practical manner. Note that another alternative is to find a donor who is located nearby and who can give you a fresh sample, and eliminate the shipping step. If you can find a local donor, that is an even better solution as the sample will be fresher and you eliminate the costs and restrictions of shipping. Most of the information in this guide will still apply.