Pete Bridgeman


I spent 4 years in the Navy's Nuclear Power program, got out and worked at 19 different jobs in 6 years, then went to work for the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service, where I have worked for the past 26 years. I am happily married and have one child, who is just turning 21. I write for the Navy Log Blog, and am currently writing a memoir.

Smashwords book reviews by Pete Bridgeman

  • Confessions Rants and Exploits of a Civil Servant on Nov. 19, 2010

    This is a personal account of a fascinating journey from an individual who began as a relatively naive, obscure girl in the Pacific Northwest, worked her way up through a variety of government jobs, learned many lessons along the way, picked up a lot of tricks and, despite a few ethical slippery slopes, was motivated by helping other people and learned to be a good manager and leader, then decided to walk away from a high-level, presitigious position in headquarters for family reasons, found herself in a whistleblower situation, and described the trials and tribulations of dealing with that, all while she completed a personal journey towards well-being and sobriety, after years of alcohol abuse. The key to it all, though, is the journey is entertaining, every step of the way. You'll be alternatively tickled and shocked as you read this true account, and when you reach the end, you'll be disappointed - that it's over. This one's a must-read!