David M.R. Jackson

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Smashwords book reviews by David M.R. Jackson

  • Heart of Stone on June 03, 2021

    I've been reading Mr.Evans' work for a while now and I saw him make mention of this book frequently, but I put off reading it. I am *so* glad I picked it up! This book at once gripped me in with it's beautiful characters, and it's elegant prose. Every waking moment was spent devouring every word upon my screen as I desperately looked forward to what would happen next to our dear Mr.Coffey and Mr.Essex. When I had read the last word, I shouted in despair that the story was over. I didn't even care that I was at work as I did so! I had grown so attached to these characters and this world that it physically pained me to know it had come to an end. I *highly* recommend this book. Truly, for the quality of which it is written and the story there in, it should be priced much higher. You simply cannot go wrong with Mr.Evans works, and 'Heart of Stone' is no exception!