Jill Grinberg Literary Management

Agent info

Founded by industry veteran Jill Grinberg, the agency’s tastes are wide ranging—born out of deep curiosity and a passion for great writing in all its forms and for all readerships. Our clients win major awards—including the National Book Award, the Pulitzer Prize, the Printz Award and Newbery Honor—and regularly appear on U.S. and international bestseller lists. Our select client list features 50 New York Times bestsellers and 32 IndieBound bestsellers.

Our authors include novelists and memoirists; historians and scientists; illustrators and musicians; cultural critics and humanitarians; entrepreneurs and innovators- united by the high quality of their writing, original and authentic voices, passion for their work, and brilliant storytelling.

Where to find Jill Grinberg Literary Management online

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The Phantom of Linkshire Manor
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 17,360. Language: English. Published: June 1, 2022 and represented by Jill Grinberg Literary Management. Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General, Fiction » Romance » Gothic
Anna Forrester, a young physician's assistant, is summoned to care for James Rothwell, the handsome master of Linkshire Manor, after he is bedridden from an unusual illness. Anna agrees to stay in the house to oversee Mr. Rothwell's recovery, but she soon finds that the master's symptoms are only one of Linkshire's many mysteries.
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ghosts    gothic    mystery    novella    paranormal    romance    teen