Jake Keplin


Jake Keplin likes aliens, women and MMOs, although not necessarily in that order.

Jake has always enjoyed anime, and the idea of hentai (seriously kinky anime) appealed to him. He was intrigued to discover that the Japanese have a serious issue with showing a penis, so when anything suggestive of that particular portion of the anatomy was to be shown, it was instead depicted as a tentacle. (He was not sure what the difference was supposed to be, but...those crazy Japanese folks!)

Thus far, Jake has written four "...and the Alien Tentacle" stories, starting with "Bella and the Alien Tentacle" and then "Candi and the Alien Tentacle", "Alexis and the Alien Tentacle" and "Emily and the Alien Tentacle". All are part of the erotic horror genre and could only be called romance if one is a few fries short of a kid's meal.


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