Jacqueline Vick

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Murder at Friendly Farm
Series: An Evan Miller Mystery. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 26,600. Language: English. Originally Published: December 3, 2019 by Jacqueline Vick. Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Traditional British, Fiction » Mystery & detective » Cozy, Fiction » Mystery & detective » Amateur sleuth
Santa's Dead? When reclusive crime reporter Evan Miller is coerced by his best friend and his nephew into purchasing a tree for Christmas, he doesn't expect to enjoy the experience. How right he is. The quaint Friendly Farm of his childhood has become a marketing extravaganza, his current crush is romancing a studly farmhand, and he inadvertently catches the eye of the local mafioso. Then Evan...
Rubies for Christmas
Series: Short Stories. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 7,040. Language: English. Originally Published: November 8, 2013 by Jacqueline Vick. Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths, Fiction » Mystery & detective » Amateur sleuth
Roxanne Wilder is spending Christmas in Wilton, Illinois, with her family. She agrees to help the Women's Guild Decorating Committee prepare for the senior holiday luncheon at the Old Hall, but when the women are snowed in, they have more to worry about than claustrophobia. Annie Verona's gigantic ruby ring is missing, and the dreadful diva is pointing an accusatory finger at each member of the...
Death at the Littoral Resort
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 21,270. Language: English. Originally Published: November 30, 2022 by Jacqueline Vick. Categories: Fiction » Humor & comedy » General, Fiction » Mystery & detective » Amateur sleuth
When Edward Harlow, longing to see his byline in newspaper print, decides to approach sports editor Milton Redfern for an assignment, he comes up with a simple plan. Go to The Sun's annual Christmas party with his brother Nicholas in tow, casually bump into the editor, and charm him into a job. But he couldn't foresee The Great Orphan Rebellion and the ensuing fallout. Now Redfern is dead, the...
Death of a Christmas Tradition
Series: Short Stories. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 12,110. Language: English. Originally Published: December 8, 2017 by Jacqueline Vick. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Short stories - single author, Fiction » Mystery & detective » Amateur sleuth
One of the few things that brothers Edward and Nicholas Harlow agree on is a traditional Christmas celebration. When Edward decides to scrap conventions in favor of current fashions--including a pre-decorated tree from Kaiser Tree Farms--his decision sets off a series of mishaps that lead to the theft of his tree and the death of a Kaiser employee. As Nicholas and Edward attempt to track down...
The Mystery of the White Revelation
Series: Short Stories. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 5,510. Language: English. Originally Published: December 10, 2016 by Jacqueline Vick. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Short stories - single author, Fiction » Mystery & detective » Amateur sleuth
If only Mrs. Battencourt's diamond necklace hadn't disappeared, then she'd still be willing to make a donation to MGC Middle School. Teacher Sheila Baker only knows one person nosey enough to track down the lost gems, and crime reporter Evan Miller is happy for the chance to get back into Sheila's good graces. As a bonus, read the first chapter of "The Body Guy", an Evan Miller novel.
One Bad Egg
Series: Short Stories. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 14,320. Language: English. Originally Published: February 27, 2018 by Jacqueline Vick. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Short stories - single author, Fiction » Mystery & detective » Amateur sleuth
When author Edward Harlow offers to host an Easter egg hunt for St. Michael's Group Home, his secretary and brother, Nicholas, bears the brunt of the workload, which includes placating an overbearing event organizer, wrangling orphans on a sugar high, and managing a gigantic Easter Bunny with a bad attitude. Then someone dumps a body in the laundry hamper, and both brothers scramble to discover...
Civility Rules
Series: Harlow Brothers Mystery. Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 66,740. Language: English. Originally Published: June 10, 2016 by Jacqueline Vick. Categories: Fiction » Humor & comedy » General, Fiction » Mystery & detective » Amateur sleuth
(3.00 from 1 review)
"Snappy prose laced with wry humor, and equally witty dialog." Meet the Harlow Brothers. Edward, a former college linebacker and ghost writer of a popular etiquette series, makes public appearances on behalf of the fictitious Aunt Civility as her nephew. His younger brother, Nicholas, is his secretary, personal assistant, and lackey. When the brothers arrive at the isolated Inglenook Resort for...
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