Joy Agwu

Publisher info

Joy C. Agwu is a Nigerian-born author who lives in Ireland. Her writing reflects a pre-occupation with themes of family, faith, community, spirituality, psychological well-being. For more information about Joy’s work, including new and forthcoming titles, please visit her official website at

Where to find Joy Agwu online

Where to buy in print

Mark the Genius
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,550. Language: English (Irish dialect). Published: January 23, 2014 by Joy Agwu. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Fiction, Fiction » Children’s books » Short Stories
Mark is a talented and intelligent young boy. His friends and even his teachers look to Mark to solve various problems. But being a genius is not always plain sailing. It has its downsides too. Mark the Genius reminds us of those 'best days of our lives', when dreams consist of nothing more than “games for homework, games instead of lessons and a trip to the park for break time?”


I Live by the Gun
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 52,760. Language: English. Published: January 14, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Christian » Contemporary, Fiction » Plays & Screenplays » African
Exploring the theme of conflict arising when traditional hierarchies are confronted by demands for modernisation, I Live by the Gun can be read as an affirmation of human rights and individual autonomy in particular. Set in modern-day Nigeria, family ties are torn apart, in more ways than one, when one of its members is gunned down by violent criminals, leaving behind a wife and two young children
The Future is Greater
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 15,190. Language: English. Published: January 14, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Christian » Contemporary, Fiction » Christian » Short stories
A narrative that deals with the important issue of teenage suicide and bereavement in the aftermath. Set in Ireland and Africa, we learn the story of Ogeechee, a teenage whose outlook on life is weighed down by the burden of his disadvantaged circumstances. At his darkest moment, an intervention rescues from despair and leads him on a path in life as he learns is that no condition is permanent.
The Echo of a Troubled Soul
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 23,890. Language: English. Published: January 14, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Christian » Contemporary, Fiction » Plays & Screenplays » African
A tale of family and friendship that also deals with the consequences of grief, pain, sorrow and loss. A story of redemption on the journey of recovery. Following a spate of tragedies, Tom is left alone. Rescuing Tom from his descent into self-destruction brings Larry, Jane and Nora together. What they do not realise is that they each hold the key to unanswered questions in their own lives too.