Julia Proud


Julia Proud has always been fascinated by stories and spent countless hours scribbling something or other. But she also had a love for exact science and Mathematics. After a few years spent studying Cybernetics and Statistics, she decided to try her hand at Film School, because, erm… why not?
She has always loved the movies and writing scripts turned out to be fitting. But again she couldn’t be still and somehow ended up working as an Animation Artist for various Television Series and even in the Flash Games Industry.
She is currently working as a freelancer, and ardently struggling to figure out this new thing she’s bumped into: motherhood. But despite her winding journey, Julia Proud has never let go of her love for writing and storytelling. As long as she manages to touch another’s soul with her stories she will be proud – bad pun intended.

Smashwords Interview

Describe your desk
A glass of water, a pen, a notebook, a used napkin from when I almost spilled water on my laptop, a random fork my son has just brought me, an eraser my son was trying to eat earlier(he's a one year old, stop giggling) and that's it. I'd add my sweat and tears but that sounds a little bit too dramatic, even if it's true.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Working on the world and characters and trying to find their stories. The real stories. The hidden ones that are made up of my characters' fears, secrets, regrets, pains and disappointments, but also of their dreams, aspirations and hopes. In a nutshell, my greatest joy in writing is getting to know my characters.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Julia Proud online

Website: http://juliaproud.com/
Twitter: @juliaproud2014
Facebook: Facebook profile
Wattpad: JuliaProud


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