K.C. Ale


K.C. Ale’s imagination first took root not long after college when she was working full time for a down-and-going company, and after a whopping five months, she told her boss to take the reeking job and hit delete. (Isn’t that what every heroine in her early 20’s would do when faced with a tyrannical boss?) She had no idea she would not find another job for six months! With no paycheck, no life (see previous point), and no boyfriend, her logical mind packed up and deserted her. Characters stole its place and began to form and personified, high-jacking her days into the early mornings until every forgotten breath revolved around a chapter.

Years later, she’s still writing and loving every hair-yanking moment. K.C. lives in Los Angeles with her teenage son, a humbling reminder that she’s a mom first, so no more quitting on a whim.

Smashwords Interview

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
When the characters become alive, and they gear me in the direction of their story I didn't know existed. I've been floored by some of my characters' motivations that changed the end game.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes! Thinking back, it was terrible... but I LOVED every second of it.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find K.C. Ale online


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