KC Riley-Gyer


Born on a black Monday back in 1967 in Queensland Australia, KC has worked as a mechanic, in a bookshop, and IT company. Her interest in computers also led to volunteer teaching online within the graphics community while internet time also sparked her interest in puzzle-based games, graphics and internet communities based around those pastimes. All of that inspired the Unnaturals of Brisbane series while learning to become a nail beautician. Her favourite colour is blue, is an avid reader and loves cats.

Presently, working on the next novel, with more to come.

Where to find KC Riley-Gyer online

KC Riley-Gyer's favorite authors on Smashwords

Hank Edwards
Latest book: The Story Orgy Singles - A Boxed Set.
Published February 2, 2024.

Smashwords book reviews by KC Riley-Gyer

  • Improper English on Sep. 18, 2013

    Considering this was written at the beginning of her career, this is quite good. Having read others Katie wrote after it, you can see the same formula. Yes, there were times it was cliched and predictable but then I remind myself that she did write it before the others. As Katie said, one either likes or hates it. I, for one, liked it.
  • Remnant: a story by Jordan L Hawk & KJ Charles on June 07, 2021

    I can't remember exactly how I'd found this book but it was via Jordan L. Hawk's Whyborne and Griffin series. This just so happens to be the first of KJ Charles I've read. I love this book. Start reading Necropolis first but stop before they reach Egypt then read this book. After completion, finish Necropolis. I'm not sure where in the Casebook of Simon Feximal series of stories this sits but this is a good read by itself. The characters' interactions are hilarious. Honestly, this was a fun read that I have re-read a few times already.
  • Manic Monday (The Jake Monday Chronicles #1) on June 07, 2021

    I tried to be interested in this story as the blurb had attracted me to it. I don't know why, but I was unable to continue reading it. Maybe, when I don't have so much going on in my life I'll be able to get back into it. As for the writing, it was good and didn't come across any issues. I think the issue was with me at the time.