Katie Floyd

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The Aurora of Destiny
Series: The Space in Between Us, Book 3. Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 51,640. Language: English. Originally Published: May 15, 2023 by Katie Floyd. Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Chick Lit, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » Clean & Wholesome, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » Contemporary
The past is like a closed book, its pages forever turned, its lessons forever learned. While some secrets of the past are forever hidden, the consuming panic and distress of his last words were an ever-ringing bell inside of Kat's mind. She tried to pick up the pieces of her shattered life, but the rest of the world kept moving forward. This, however, was the kind of imminent loneliness that...
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