MJ Morton

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Holding On
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 62,980. Language: English. Originally Published: September 15, 2013 by MJ Morton. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Women's fiction » Chick lit
'There were certain events, things that happened to you in life that were best forgotten about. If you didn't think or talk about them then they didn't have power over you, did they?' Set in the village of Heatherton, the entwined lives of Beth and Pete Scott and Charlotte Gardner are disrupted by changes beyond their control. When their pasts catch up with them, their lives and relationships...
Price: $3.49 USD. Words: 37,450. Language: English. Originally Published: December 1, 2015 by MJ Morton. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Anthologies » Short stories - single author
Transition is a collection of short stories that unravels the joys and challenges of day-to-day life, offering an insight into the complexities of relationships. Harold and Sophie - Middle-aged and stuck in a rut with their daily routines, life has become boring for Harold & Sophie. When a mysterious new neighbour moves in Thanksgiving weekend, their lives are turned upside down in a way they...
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 21,170. Language: English. Originally Published: June 23, 2013 by MJ Morton. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Anthologies » Short stories - single author
Perspective offers an insightful and reflective view on the complexities of life and relationships. The stories are dark, sad, touching, humorous, and sometimes surprising. Perspective – Haunted by her desire for pure, clean skin, Isabelle's life has been overtaken by the shadows that stalk her. When a streak of sunlight seeps in to her flat, Isabelle's carefully controlled routine is...
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