Madeline Duffy


Shane Flynn and Madeline Duffy are co-authors that decided to put Andy Fannon's near death experience into writing in "The White Suit". Andrew Fannon can testify as an eye witness to the existence of the supernatural world and afterlife. "The White Suit" is a non-fiction narrative, documenting a true life experience.

This led the authors into writing another book "Axis Quest, The Beginning". Although "Axis Quest" is fiction, it was the natural result of exploring the idea that a supernatural world exists around us in the present. How we could possibly access this supernatural world and interact with it. The authors, having both experienced supernatural occurrences of their own, (that are unexplainable in the world view), can both say that there IS a supernatural world surrounding us. This will be the first book in a series. It will involve spiritual adventure, romance, mystery and intellect in the search for the supernatural.

Just how do you explain the supernatural without sounding like a kook? How do you tell people that a supernatural world really exists? There is great risk in giving testimony to supernatural events. People may label you as crazy or even as a liar. The world does not seem willing to embrace the powerful supernatural world of the Almighty God. But that does not mean it doesn’t exist. Whether you believe it or not, it does exist. Your belief or disbelief does not change the reality of its existence, it only affects your ability to tap into it and/or see it. I strongly urge you to tap into it.

Retired from business, they have hobbies ranging from model ship building, painting, traveling and now writing. Both are well educated with multiple college degrees between the two of them. One is Southern born and bred, the other a Yankee. Their varied life experiences combine in a sense of adventure and exploration. Shane’s business experience is mainly entrepreneurship; Madeline’s is engineering and entrepreneurship. Together they make a remarkable team, complementing each other in most areas of life. They met under compelling circumstances and seemed destined to enjoy a relationship together. God works in the most mysterious ways.

Since this is a co-authored book, you may find an inter-twining account of events. As in any book, you may find us drifting into philosophical and thought provoking ideas. As co-authors we have found that we agree on many things and we feel this is reflected in our work.

The covers are both done by Diane Nicholls, an internationaly sold artist.

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