Mari Sawyer


Nickname: Mari Sawyer
Real name: Maria Potapova

Was born in Moscow in 1992. Childhood and a large part of a youth comes at a time when the nineties have become the two thousandth. The iron curtain long been removed, and the «Law on the protection of religious feelings» had not yet been invented. That is why, I was fond of different kind of philosophy, including philosophy LaVey, not afraid to offend anyone or offend.
In 2012, she graduated from the College of Automation and Information technologies №20, entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT).

Was engaged in horse riding, historical reconstruction. Some time was fond of occultism.

My first story I wrote when I was about ten years. At sixteen, I already graduated from write the novel «Story of one of the Witch», which later was renamed in «the Case of the Witch». It is so named Roman, and was published later.

All my works are easy, ironic plot, which ridicules the vices of modern society: laziness, venality, fanaticism and many others. I'm the only copyright holder of his books, and this allows me to write what I want, and not what I dictates the publisher.

You can easily contact me by email mail[dog] or in social networks, as well as through my official site I am glad to any dialogue and cooperation.

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