May Sage


Off the Naughty List
Series: Some Girls Do It, Book 9. Price: Free! Words: 5,390. Language: English. Originally Published: September 6, 2022 by Madam's Books. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Romantic Comedy
Maya considers herself a lucky kid. She has an awesome mom, a great godmother, and of course, Ben. School girls are quick to remind her that he's not her dad, though. When she gets in trouble and the headmaster demands to see her parents, she calls Ben, guessing he'd tell her off less than her mother would. She certainly didn't expect to get a hot dog, a walk in the park, and a proposal out of...
Pretty Kitten
Series: Age of Night, Book 2. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 30,340. Language: English. Originally Published: December 6, 2017 by Madam's Books. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » General, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Shifters
Out of every kind of paranormal out there, shifters are incontestably the least frightening; until now. It's a closely guarded secret that some shifters are born with the ability to change ordinary human beings, and there are plenty of dangerous Alphas would kill to keep it under wrap. A few months ago, Daunte's biggest problem was hiding his attraction to the human woman he doesn't want to...
The Big Bad Office Wolf
Series: Kings of the Tower, Book 1. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 39,530. Language: English. Originally Published: December 6, 2017 by Madam's Books. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Contemporary
After the night of her life with a dirty, sexy stranger who's supposed to live a world and a half away from her, Tori is feeling pretty damn smug - until she finds him in the office next door. Bryant is a menace, making every woman in the entire building lose focus, but she never thought he would actually go after her assistant. Determined to save the poor girl from his clutches, she confronts...
To Claim a King
Series: Age of Gold, Book 1. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 38,090. Language: English. Originally Published: December 6, 2017 by Madam's Books. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » General, Fiction » Romance » Fantasy
Accused of consorting with demons in her home town, Xandrie flees, only to find herself in a greater danger. She's a mere human woman, thrust in a brutal tournament pitting vicious dragons females against each other. Yet, she can't find it in herself to give up, as the winner will Claim the throne, and more importantly, the hand of the enticing Dragon King. Age of Gold is a series of fantasy...
Power Games
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 57,960. Language: English. Originally Published: September 18, 2018 by Madam's Books. Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » Chick lit, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » Romance » Suspense
Yesterday, he had it all, a beautiful woman at his side, more money than he knew what to do with, and a real shot at the Oval Office. Today, he's a murderer. Yesterday, she was America's sweetheart; the wholesome first daughter of a beloved former president, a rising star without so much as a whisper of a scandal attached to her name. Today, she's an accomplice. Vanessa doesn't know why these...
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