Michele J. Rolle


Michele J. Rolle is a Mammography health care specialist in Richmond, Virginia, and has been compassionately committed for more than 25 years to educating and mentoring women in the value of breast health. Michele works for a prominent Obstetrics and Gynecology practice and has represented them as a Chief Mammography Technologist in her appearances on television, radio, and newspaper, and has been quoted in many publications. Her article “The Power of Caring for Others” on domestic violence was recently published in the Richmond Times Dispatch weekly feature “In her Shoes.” Michele is a member of The James River Writers who selected her work to be read at several recent conferences.

Michele has infused this same enthusiasm and expertise into her debut memoir, Invisible Warrior, an inspiring narrative that lays bare the struggles of her youth, and invites us to join in her triumphs despite discouraging statistical odds.

Michele J. Rolle is a wife to Howard, a mother to four grown daughters and a Nana to four grandchildren. Michele and Howard make their home in Richmond, Virginia.

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