Michelle Duncan


I live in the UK in Kent. Hops 'n' Apples Country.
I am an avid and prolific reader. it's my way of escaping for a little while.

Where to find Michelle Duncan online

Twitter: @KermitMash

Smashwords book reviews by Michelle Duncan

  • Imago Chronicles: Book One, A Warrior's Tale on Jan. 11, 2010

    Book Review - By Michelle Duncan Title of book: A Warrior’s Tale - Imago Book Three Author: L.T.Suzuki Pages: 453 The plot: “This prequel to Imago Book One, Tales from the West, begins at the height of the turmoil that shall determine if indeed there will be a Third Age of Peace. Besieged by the enemy from the East and now immersed in war with soldiers of the Dark Army from the West, Nayla Treeborn and her people are about to engage in the next great war that will decide the fate of all Mankind and Elves in Imago. In a desperate attempt to deliver word to the Elf King of Wyndwood and those of the Alliance for a call to arms, she is the last surviving messenger sent forth by her people. Now, trapped in a storm at the top of the World, she fights to survive the deadly elements in a strange land. Despised by Elves and shunned by Mortals, she must now find the courage to make a place in this world, and the compassion to save those who keep her at arms length. This adventure recounts the defining moments in her life that had forged her into a deadly warrior, a great Captain and a legend amongst the people of Imago. This is Nayla Treeborn’s story; This is her Warrior’s Tale”.(Taken from prologue) The setting: Eastern Imago, a beautiful country of mixed terrain. The characters: Nayla Treeborn takes the name Takaro Bansho when she is rescued by the Elf Joval Stonecroft and Valtar Briarwood, Joval’s reluctant accomplice, from the clutches of her violent father Dahlon Treeborn and is taken to live with her Mother’s people the Kagai, a fearsome warrior race. With the aid of Kagai warriors’ an elderly Chusai Saibon and his son Yaruke Saibon, Nayla is accepted into their way of life. There are a whole host of other characters of whom I am loathe to give too much information as I feel it would give away far too much. You’ll have to read the book to find out more…. Highlights: The battles! These were brilliantly described, incredibly believable and beautifully written. I was transported to the midst of mud, blood, guts and gore with the occasional act of heroism thrown in for good measure. Any weak bits? Occasionally I felt that Nayla was a little cold. I just didn’t identify on an intimate/personal level. Thankfully these moments were far and few between. Unputdownable? In a nutshell, YES! I thoroughly enjoyed this book from cover to cover! Your rating: I give a strong 9 out 10 and only because I felt slightly indifferent to Nayla/Takaro on occasion, which of course is an entirely personal thing. Anyone else reading this might wonder what on earth I’m talking about. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone interested in this genre and even those who aren’t as I feel it would be enjoyed immensely by anyone who picks it up. I know I did!