Mikkel O. W-K

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James' togeventyr
Series: Rejsen på skinner, Book 1. Price: Free! Words: 6,120. Language: Danish. Originally Published: December 7, 2023 by Mikkel O. W-K. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Legal, Fiction » Mystery & detective » Cozy
I en lejlighed nær Kings Cross i London bor James, med en fascination for tog. Lyden af togfløjter ude fra sporene uden for hans vindue, vækker ham en morgen. Glenville er hans drømmeby, primært på grund af den livlige togstation.En dag, på vej til et møde med sin chef, bliver James informeret om, at han er blevet fyret. Nu står han overfor en ny begyndelse hos Mr. Railington, ejeren af LBR.
James' Railway Adventure
Series: The Adventure on Rails, Book 1. Price: Free! Words: 4,750. Language: English. Originally Published: January 13, 2024 by Mikkel O. W-K. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Fantasy » General, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Legal, Fiction » Classics
In an apartment near Kings Cross in London resides James, a man with a lifelong fascination for trains. The sound of train whistles and rolling wheels outside his window greets him one morning. Glenville, with its vibrant train station, is his dream city primarily due to the lively railway activity. One day, on his way to a meeting with his boss, James learns that he has been fired. Now, he...
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