Nan Sampson


Nan Sampson has been writing stories since she was old enough to hold a crayon. She writes primarily mysteries, fantasy and space opera – sometimes all at once. She also gardens (and indeed, some of the plants actually grow!), foists herbal concoctions off on friends and co-workers, reads voraciously, and dreams of one day living on a space station, where she will use her education in Anthropology, Linguistics and Psychology to build trust with the alien life forms mankind will one day encounter.

In the meantime, she makes her home on Earth, northwest of Chicago, with her husband, teenage daughter and Lord Admiral Horatio Nelson (aka, the very pushy poodle).

Smashwords Interview

What are you working on next?
In the summer I'll be working on a new fantasy series. The headliners so far are a hippie from the summer of love, a Conquistador, a museologist and a pirate. Well, I did say it was a fantasy, right? Then in the fall, once that first draft is done, I'll be working on the final edits of the second in my Ellie Gooden mystery series.
Who are your favorite authors?
Wow. So many. Top of the list though would be: Roger Zelazny (don't even get me started about him - he was a GOD), Rhys Bowen, Craig Shaw Gardner, Glenn Cook, Terry Pratchett, Nancy Atherton, Gini Koch, Lois McMasters Bujold, Martha Grimes, Robert Asprin, J.K. Rowling, Juliet Blackwell, Carol Daheim... how much time do we have? I could do this all day.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Nan Sampson online


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