Qiana Williams


I began writing short stories at the tender age of six, continued on to poetry and began songwriting as a teen. I remember when I was in junior high... I had this series of books that I used to write every week. I would write about 2-3 of each short story every school week and they were about 15-20 handwritten loose leaf pages long. I'd pass them around the class for the students to read. The name of the short stories were "Dreams".

My class loved reading them and would encourage me to go and write more so that they could read them. It was extremely inspiring because it had began out of the blue and I just passed it to my best friend to read. Everyone was always waiting for what would happen next to the main character (a girl, I don't remember her name)and what kind of dream she would be having that particular night.

My creative writing teacher (LOVE HER!) Ms. Paridis, would allow my creativity to flow as long as I had finished doing her assigned work. For me, doing her work was like tying my shoes. Not that it was easy. It wasn't, certainly not in the sense that you could just breeze through it. Many in my class did not just breeze. It was just...effortless because of the passion she put into it and that made me pour my passion in as well. Loving reading and writing the way that I do, to have her feed that to me....it's just an incredible thing to describe. It was the first time my writing talents were truly nurtured.

I began writing my first real book at the age of sixteen. It was handwritten in a five subject notebook. With the exception of the title (You Can't Run From the Heat) and Mike and Kenya, much has changed. As you can imagine...I've grown a lot since 16 :-) After going through a marriage AND a divorce, a full family, a career in fashion and so much more, the book took on a mature view with a plot that is rich in depth. I wanted everything to intertwine and leave my readers wanting more.

Much editing, changing, updating and revising has been done in this book over time, as you can imagine. On plenty of occasions, the book has gone untouched for over a year. However, it was always saved...from floppy, to cd and now onto flash drive. My book has even seen the age of technology increase tremendously.

Immediately after my final editing, I began writing my second one, the sequel (unnamed). I'm extremely excited to receive feedback on my debut novel. I've done a lot of things and I've even been published as a poet, but to take my heart and soul for 16 yrs as I have done with this book and share it...I'm speechless.

I'm also a business woman to my core. I write on a wide range of topics from fashion to beauty, current events, celebrity interviews and gourmet recipes (my own personal ones). I use mass media marketing to handle press releases for clients, do event planning and fashion business consulting for new and existing companies. Oh and I can't forget this; I'm a 100% certified born and bred New Yorker. NYC is the best! :-)

You can check out my website- www.writingsofthegoddess.com to chat with me and read articles on fashion, food and so so much more. You can follow me on twitter @Qianathegoddess and find me on FB- Writings of the Goddess and You Can't Run From The Heat (just search for those). Hope to speak with you all soon and get a play by play on how you are enjoying the book~~



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