Randy D Pearson


Randy D Pearson’s creativity and love for the written word came about at an early age. As a child, he wrote his own crudely drawn comic strip series called The Weirdos. His first book, a cartoon book entitled, The Adventures of Marvin and Randy, was concocted at age nine as a birthday gift for his father. From there, he began writing creative fiction and the occasional essay on his Atari 800 and 520 ST computers.

Over his many years of writing fiction, Randy has received his share of accolades. He received an honorable mention in 1986 for his novella, Anatomy of a Ghost. Later, it was “published” on Magrathea, his computer bulletin board system (BBS, the precursor to the Internet). He also won several national writing contests in the mid-2000s.

In 2010, his debut novel, Driving Crazy, came out in paperback. Though self-published, this book has sold well through local (Lansing, MI area) retailers, and world-wide through online sources. People in nine different countries have enjoyed Driving Crazy.

Randy's work has been published in Small Towns: A Map in Words, Seasons of Life, and Pets Across America III, as well as in the upcoming Washington Square Review 2011.

For more information, please visit http://www.RandyPearson.org. Here you will find short stories, and some fun Driving Crazy stuff, including deleted scenes and an audio clip of a section Randy read for a local radio station.

Where to find Randy D Pearson online


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