Rayne Hall


Rayne Hall has published more than sixty books in several languages under several pen names with several publishers in several genres, mostly horror, fantasy and non-fiction. Her bestselling horror book is Thirty Scary Tales, a collection of creepy disturbing stories.

She is the author of the bestselling Writer’s Craft series (with 17 titles, including Writing Scary Scenes, Writing Dark Stories, Writing About Villains, Writing Vivid Settings, Writing Vivid Dialogue), and the editor of the Ten Tales fantasy and horror anthologies (with 11 titles so far, including Scared: Ten Tales of Horror, Fiends: Ten Tales of Demons, Bites: Ten Tales of Vampires, Haunted: Ten Tales of Ghosts and Undead: Ten Tales of Zombies).

After living in Germany, China, Mongolia and Nepal, Rayne has settled on the south coast of England in dilapidated seaside town of former Victorian grandeur.

Rayne has worked as an investigative journalist, museum guide, apple picker, tarot reader, adult education teacher, belly dancer, magazine editor, publishing manager and more, and now writes full time.

Her black cat Sulu – adopted from the rescue shelter - likes to snuggle between her arms while she writes, purring happily. He adores books, especially of the horror genre, and can often be found ‘reading’ one or sitting in the bookcase between horror classics.

Her website with information and tips for writers is here: raynehall.com.

To find out about new releases, special offers and writing contests, subscribe to her Writer’s Craft newsletter here: eepurl.com/boqJzD Subscribers receive a free pdf workbook Grow Your Unique Author Voice.

For writing and publishing tips, as well as cute photos of Sulu the book-loving cat, follow Rayne on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RayneHall

Smashwords Interview

Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
When I was six, I told the teacher that the stories in the school book were stupid and I could write better ones. She challenged me to write a story about a letter's adventures from writing to delivery. When I handed it in, she was startled that a six year-old could write so well. Of course, she didn't know I'd had the help of my older sister. From then on, when the other kids had to read the dull pieces for their homework, she often assigned me to write stories, and I soon learnt to do it without my sister's help.
What are you working on next?
I always have a dozen writing projects in progress.

Right now (31 August 2013) I'm working on these:
A steampunk horror short story about a werewolf in a funicular railway car.
A quirky fantasy story about an introvert dragon.
A horror story about unrequited love turning into hatred.
A dark historical story about Smugglers in Regency England.
A sequel to my dark-epic fantasy novel Storm Dancer. The sequel's working title is Flame Bearer.
Another book for my bestselling Writing Craft series for authors. The next book in the series is Writing Dark Stories.
I'm also writing the introductions to the next two anthologies of which I'm the editor: Dragon: Ten Tales of Scaly Beasts, and Cogwheels: Ten Tales of Steampunk.

... and more.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Rayne Hall online


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