Rebecca Bronson

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Trapped in Pairadice
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 76,900. Language: English. Originally Published: July 1, 2022 by Rebecca Bronson. Categories: Fiction » Visionary & metaphysical, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Technological
When Cara, a statistician at the Center for Disease Control, loses a childhood friend to suicide and learns he was a gambling addict, she suspects a connection. Buried in the CDC archives, she finds her suspicion confirmed: a link between suicide and online gambling addiction was noted years ago. Why was this hidden from public view? Cara wants answers and risks her job to get them. Soon, she...
When North Becomes South
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 85,490. Language: English. Originally Published: July 1, 2022 by Rebecca Bronson. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Utopias & dystopias
Earth is on the verge of a magnetic shift… A massive solar flare destroys power grids and communication networks all over the globe and triggers a sudden change in Earth's magnetic field. This causes the magnetic poles of the planet to migrate. Soon, sizeable portions of Earth become uninhabitable as the unstable poles create an ever-increasing scene of destruction and radiation. A family...
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