Roger Doering


Roger Doering spent his early years in Pennsylvania at the right elbow of his grandfather, Joseph Pijoan, watching him meticulously craft and refine volume after volume of art history texts. Pijoan was a prolific writer and with a great encyclopedic mind demanding the best from himself and instilling the same virtue in those around him. Beside his desk, young Roger developed a passion for both writing and world cultures.
After several years in the US Army specializing in radar systems, Roger Doering spent most of his professional life in the technical end of power generation and control. His trade and personal interests led him to travel to not only most states within the United States, but to most regions of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East.
While he practiced yoga during his early years in the Army, the interest in Eastern philosophy and physical training it imparted, led Roger to study Isshin-Ryu Karate with his two sons. It was a form of exercise he was able to do when he traveled and the philosophy of internal and external discipline was specifically appealing.
Roger thought it would be interesting to bring together his great passions: electrical engineering, martial arts and writing. The question of how gnawed at him for years. Late one winter night, while driving on the New Jersey Turnpike, the character, Don MacRogers and the story of Broken Twins sprang into his mind. Life and work, however, demanded that Roger and his story wait.
He’s retired, and now has the time to tell his stories. He lives in a small town outside Boise with his beloved wife of 51 years and their West Highland white terrier, Hannah.
Author Roger Doering has just released Broken Twins and is already hard at work crafting a sequel.

Where to find Roger Doering online


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