Cathy Robinson


I've been writing since I was old enough to pick up a pen. Vacation journals, mostly. They're in a huge box in my attic. I suppose that sums up my life's two passions - writing and travelling. I's fitting that my first novel, which I started writing at age 50, should tell the tale of one woman's travels to my own favourite Greek island.

Throughout my life, I've worked restlessly - starting my career as the marketing manager for a zoo, morphing into a civil servant and finally retraining as a nutritionist. Six years ago I was offered the opportunity to work overseas and this has led not only to a rekindling of my itchy feet, but also gave me the space to write.

'The Boomerang Effect'; is based on the Greek Island of Skiathos. The Boomerang Island is so-called because it pulls people back year after year. This summer will be my 16th visit. I hope the book sums up this special place and brings to mind summer holiday happiness.

When I'm not travelling, I'm lucky enough to live near the coast in Hove, UK. I like nothing better than a walk in the countryside and I'm passionate about the environment and animal welfare.

Smashwords Interview

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
I love bringing characters to life. I love their hopes, their fears, their foibles and their motivations. I love letting them escape out of my imagination and letting them loose....
What do your fans mean to you?
When I set out to publish my novel, my goal was to have one just person read and enjoy my book. That means the world to me. If I can entertain people, make them think, and transport them somewhere else for even just a short while, then I have achieved my aim.
Read more of this interview.


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